Why is Airbnb saying I need to add photos when I uploaded them to BrightSide?
BrightSide Staff2023-06-29T11:04:54-04:00When you connect a property to Airbnb for the first time, the unit’s data syncs nearly in real time. However, the photos may take a while to fully sync. When there is a problem with the photos, it is usually at this point that Airbnb shows an error message. If this happens, wait five to ten minutes and refresh the page. If Airbnb still shows an error, follow these steps:
- In BrightSide, toggle off “Activate on Airbnb” in the Airbnb tab and “Save” it. Wait one minute and go to step two.
- Toggle on “Activate on Airbnb” and “Save” it.
- Refresh the unit page to see if it the status has been changed to “approved” at the bottom of the Airbnb tab.
- If it is still inactive, go to your Airbnb account and see if it is active.
These steps usually correct any syncing issues with the photos. NOTE: make sure your photos are at least 1920 x 1080 or Airbnb will reject them.