When you connect to, or add, a property to Airbnb from BrightSide, you may choose to sync everything, or perform a limited sync. What are the differences?

Everything: When you choose to sync “Everything,” BrightSide overwrites all the information for that property in Airbnb. What this means is that BrightSide updates all of the photos, rates, descriptions, name (listing title), summary, “everything,” for that unit in Airbnb. Updates for units go one way, from BrightSide to Airbnb, not the other way around. The exceptions to this are reservations and availability.

IMPORTANT: When you connect to a property already on Airbnb, you MUST completely set up the unit in BrightSide BEFORE toggling on “Activate on Airbnb”. If you do not, BrightSide may delete the photos, change rates, etc., and your unit could display incorrectly on Airbnb. For more information, see Airbnb Integration.

Limited: When you choose a “Limited,” sync, only the reservations, rates, and availability sync with Airbnb. You must manage all the other unit details inside your Airbnb account. This setting may be useful at times, but overall, it underutilizes the benefits and purposes of a property management software like BrightSide.